Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2020

The interactive map above shows Geneva families with children who live in poverty. Run your mouse over different sections for information by neighborhood.

“Children raised in poverty are more apt to experience emotional and social challenges, chronic stressors, and cognitive lags.”
(BU Journal of Graduate Studies in Education, 2019.)

Data released by the U.S. Census Bureau in 3032 estimates the number of schoolaged children (5-17) who live in poverty in each district across the country.Statewide, Geneva City School District ranked 220th of 681 districts, in percentage child poverty. (Rochester, Syracuse, Buffalo and Utica all fall within the top 10.) In Ontario County, Geneva ranked first.

Women raising children alone are hit especially hard. Income disparities for single moms are long established. Nationally, the number of children living only with their mothers has doubled over the past 50 years, the Census Bureau reports. About 7.6 million (11%) children lived with their mother in 1968 compared to 15.3 million (21%) in 2020.

The City of Rochester published a report in 2019 focusing on poverty and single parents, Among its findings:

  • Families headed by unmarried parents are a significant segment of the city population and account for the majority of individuals living below the poverty level in the city.
  • Unmarried households with children experience lower incomes, lower rates of home ownership, and higher rent burdens compared to their married counterparts.
  • Women and people of color are over-represented among the heads of unmarried households with children.